In light of the pandemic, and the lack of group activities or events, here are some links that we hope will be helpful to you as we fight this pandemic in June.

If you missed our list from May, see here.

Stay safe. Stay healthy!

1) Our Commitment to Community. Both Michelle and I were shocked and saddened by yet another death of a black man at the hands of police. We are not just talking about George Floyd, but also Dion Johnson. The data showing how law enforcement and the judicial system treats people of color differently has been known for a long time, but not by enough people. There are many studies. Here is one to get you started, if you have not already been aware. Here’s a great story about how a Republican Senator experienced it. The Department of Justice under several presidents has been collecting data on this, year after year. Michelle and I are standing up for fairness and equality. We are attending protests, contacting our elected officials and shopping at locally-owned, black-owned businesses. We hope you will join us.

2) Energy Savings in the Summer. As we go in to the summer, and as many people have less money at their disposal than they did a few months ago, there are things that you can do to save on your utility bills. Some things require spending a little, but you will see a return on investment soon. Other things will save you money with just smart planning.

Look at the APS, TEP and SRP websites for tools on saving energy.

Getting utilities to offer tips and rebates on products in support of energy efficiency is like pulling teeth. They want to sell more power, not less. But we need them to generate less if we want to protect our lungs and our planet. The effort to require utilities to help you save money is called “demand side management.”

The more you know…

3) Downtown Phoenix Farmer’s Market Goes Online. The downtown market, for which we raise money at the Phoestivus Market, is adapting to COVID-19 in June with a new on-line on-line market.

I know. It’s not the same as perusing the stalls and smelling the fresh bread. But that’s shopping in the time of COVID. Well, you can still go to the market on Saturdays, but they are spread out to protect you. Still, as it gets hotter out, it gets harder for vendors to stay out in the heat waiting for you.

This way you can order ahead and pick up what you need, while still supporting the many vendors and local farmers.

4) Innovative Ways to Re-open. Local First Arizona, which has been standing strong with small, local businesses since the pandemic began, published this handy article on innovative ways to attract business as you re-open safely in June.

It includes things like creating a virtual tip jar for employees, which raised $40,000 at one local business. Local business support app, Hownd, is helping businesses sell vouchers, which can be used later, but which help businesses pay current bills.

Don’t miss their Small Business Re-opening Resources, as well. Please share this with your friends and family who are looking to re-open safely.

5) The Return of the Drive-In. Are you old enough to remember the drive-in? What nostalgia! Well, COVID has helped bring them back, at least temporarily.

The City of Phoenix has compiled a nice list of places you can go to see movies from your car, but still maintain physical distance.

I love the innovation! This will be handy when I’m going stir crazy, but don’t feel like getting on the I-17
“parking lot” to the north country.

Written by phxAdmin