Welcome to Get Your PHX

This website has been a dedicated real estate website since 2009. We have helped hundreds of folks find or sell their homes.

But things are changing, as you can learn about in this video, and we are moving on. Venture capital firms own an estimated 10% of all of the homes in Arizona, and another 5% have gone to short term rentals.

With that problem along with high interest rates, it is no wonder that people can’t  afford a home.

We need to organize and push lawmakers to prohibit this kind of institutional investment in residential neighborhoods; single family homes, condos, patios and townhomes alike. Unless we do, an entire generation of buyers will not have the benefit of building wealth for themselves and their children.

We need to say clearly to Wall Street, “Our neighborhoods are not your stock market!”

We have loved being realtors and helping people make smart decisions about their homes. But this problem, along with the way brokerages are turning in to “conveyor belts of buyers”, have inspired us to move on.

Ken is focusing his energy on fighting climate change and for sustainable living. Michelle is enjoying more time with her children and family.

It has been an honor serving you. For the time being, we can refer you to agents that we trust and that we’ve worked with personally. So, if you need something, please still call Ken at 602-456-9388.

This website is transforming to a kind of a Substack for Ken’s adventures in advocating for smart public policy that will allow us to coexist with the desert for generations to come.

Please follow along on YouTube and Facebook.

Thank you!