volunteersNews alert: Phoestivus vendor list announced! With over 150 vendors, the event continues to grow every year. Its gonna be big, so we need volunteers! See the entire list here.

Every year we need volunteers to make Phoestivus happen. Please follow this link to volunteer.

In fact, we can’t do it without them. We need folks to help sell raffle tickets, to direct patrons, to help with the various features at the event.

We need folks to help with set-up and break-down.

We need folks to even help people figure out which receptacle is for trash and which is for recycling. Yep, people STILL don’t know.

So, what we are saying here is that we need your help. Are you picking up what we’re puttin’ down?

If you can give us an hour or three hours. It all helps.

Here’s who it really helps. Volunteers help us raise money for Community Food Connections, the organization that runs the weekly farmer’s market downtown. That’s huge, because we still have a bit of a food desert downtown –not to mention the need for locally-sources whole foods.

If you are willing to volunteer, contact us directly at 605-456-9388. If you are with a company or organization who can supply many volunteers then you be certain that we are going to praise your good works from proverbial rooftops.

Written by phxAdmin