Ah, the humble pool cover.

Worth writing a blog post about? Really?

Yes! Clients ask us about them all the time. Are they worth it?

Yes. In fact, you spend more money by not having one!

Did you get that?

So, check this out. Pool covers cost about $3,000 to install. That can be a lot for many people, but if you finance it, you can get that for about $40 per month.

Consider, if you will, that the services of a “pool guy” can run between $75 and $100 per month for labor and chemicals. Plus, you spend about $30 more per month on electricity to keep that pump running. (That can be less with newer pumps, but it is still money that you don’t need to spend.)

In other words, the cover can pay for itself in about three years: $1,000 per year in maintenance without it vs. total cost of about $3,000 to install.

See? It costs you less to have a pool cover than not to have it.

Having a pool cover also means a fraction of water evaporates off of your pool. The average pool evaporates something like 30,000+ gallons of water per year. Plus, you will use a fraction of the pool chemicals because the sun is not causing them to burn off as quickly.

Further, you can use your pool longer in to the winter, even if you don’t have a pool heater. With a pool cover, more heat is trapped in the water.

If you do have pool heater, you will use it less because the pool stays warmer under the cover.

A good pool cover can also save lives.

Will it add value on an appraisal on your house? Probably not. But it is a great selling point, especially if you explain the value to a buyer.

Not sold? Consider our serious water issues in Arizona. We have a huge number of pools per capita. I’ve heard that we have the most per capita, but I’ve not been able to verify that.

So, if you get a pool cover, you can actually save money and lord over your friends at the next barbecue or cocktail party.

I mean, if that’s your thing.

If you want more info and leads, hit us up at 602-456-9388.

Written by phxAdmin