Here’s our curated list of November happenings. It’s not everything, of course. But we think these things are particularly notable.

But, it’s beautiful outside! It’s that time of year that you think to yourself, “should I wear long sleeves?” then find out an hour later that you should not have. It’s that kind of warm, but not quite warm.

Ranked Choice Voting, with Andrew Yang. Y’all may know that I’m a fan of ranked choice voting (RCV), with which you can rank candidates in the order you’d like to see them win. I serve on the board of Voter Choice Arizona. While I was not a Yang supporter, I truly appreciated that he supported RCV, even when he ran for mayor of New York and the system probably disadvantaged his candidacy. In any case, join our November 17th state-wide meeting with Yang as a special guest. Get details and sign up here.

Tiny Flea Market. By which they don’t mean tiny fleas, but just a tiny flea. Know what I’m sayin’? It’s at Antique Sugar at 801 N 2nd St on November 6th from 8am to 2pm. The best little flea market in Downtown Phoenix is chock full of weird, wonderful, cheap old stuff. It’s true vintage flea market with authentic flea market prices. Cheap is kind of the whole shtick. Come ready to dig for your hidden treasures. Expect to find vintage clothing, housewares, knick-knacks, collectibles and miscellaneous cool old junk.

Wabi Sabi Pottery with Ping Wei. Try some pottery at the Japanese Friendship Garden on November 6th at 9am, where your instructor will demonstrate the process of making pinched bowls first. After the lecture, he will guide participants as you use the techniques yourselves to make your own tea cup and tea bowl. All materials needed for the items are included. After the workshop, Ping Wei will have your pieces fired and ready for you to pick up in three weeks at the Garden. $65.

Grand Unification. Grand Unification, hosted by Snood City at the Bragg’s Vendor Market, will take place along Historic Grand Avenue. Join the small business community along this unique downtown street while celebrating the arts, local businesses, and the historic neighborhood. Free admission. Let’s face it, as Roosevelt and 3rd St have been buried by apartment buildings and turned in to a deep canyon over the last ten years, Grand Ave is the place to go to see original art and creativity.

This Week Tonight Sucks. Phoenix’s Best Comedy Show (2018 Phoenix New Times) is now at Stand Up Live every Thursday. Join hosts Anwar Newton & Michael Turner as they irreverently round up the week in news in an outrageous late night setting. Comedians who join them get roasted and ripped apart if they don’t deliver the funny or treated like royalty if they bring the heat. There’s never a dull moment! Anwar and Mike will keep you up to speed on what’s going on in the horrible world around you! $20.

Small Business Advocacy Workshop. This event is hosted by the folks at Local First Arizona, of which we are members. There are a wide variety of policies that impact small businesses every day. From understanding zoning policy that impacts your business in your neighborhood, to state and federal policy that may impact the long term sustainability of your business. It’s important that business owners understand the effective ways to elevate their voice to officials molding policy in different ways. Attend this workshop to learn best practices to build relationships with officials, stay in tune with policy that may impact you, and how to best advocate for your small business.

Written by phxAdmin