Can you believe it’s been 10 years since we first launched Phoestivus?

I’m particularly proud of having founded the event and I’m proud that the Get Your PHX team not only sponsors, but plays a role in organizing it.

Over the years, we’ve made indelible friendships and we’ve had the support of amazing people as the event has grown.

It’s December 12th and 19th this year, from 5pm to 10pm each night. Here’s the Facebook event invite, for more details. You can also find us on Instagram by searching for Phoestivus.

We have just announced the winner of this year’s poster contest, Tom Burns. Just look at this thing! Tom has captured the joy and playfulness of the event.

Thank you, Tom!

The two nights of Phoestivus are the happiest days of the year for me. I walk around with a permanent grin on my face, as I watch people supporting local, meeting friends and exuding an infectious feeling of community and comradery.

You can purchase holiday gifts from the people who actually made them. A gift you give which has a story behind it is 1,000 times better than something you order on line.

Don’t believe me? Try it. Watch the reaction of the person you give a gift to when you tell them about where you got it and the people who made it.

Meet the craftspeople. Hear their stories. Feel their passion for what they doo.

If you’ve not been, you just need to feel it in person.

The event will be even bigger this year. We will have the feats of strength, airing of grievances, the Phoestivus pole, Phoestivus Ale. The footprint is even bigger so there is more room to shop, meet and eat.

Follow Phoestivus on Instagram, Twitter, yada, yada yada.

See you there!

Written by phxAdmin