The City of Phoenix announced a couple weeks ago that it will now take all numbers of plastic in recycling, except #6, which is styrofoam.

This, despite hand wringing from certain quarters that cities can’t afford to recycle because there is less demand for recycled products.

Kudos to the City of Phoenix for moving forward on this.  I look forward the day when the city or somebody finds a way to pick up compostable stuff from your house and deliver nutrient-rich composted mulch for your house, if you want it.

It boggles my mind the volume of nutrients we just bury in the ground, where they do no good for anybody, while we struggle to use chemicals to feed the plants and grass in our yards. We can do much better.

Dare I cite San Fransisco’s effort to reduce its waste stream by 90% over the next few years? That bastion of nutty reasoned thinking and common sense (sometimes).

Written by phxAdmin