Dam Batteries

In the Duck Curve video I explained how this very solvable problem is being used by utilities to slow the growth of renewables and batteries on homes and businesses.

And through this example of how a dam can be a mind bogglingly huge battery, once you learn about the innovation of pumped hydro, I show that the utilities could be doing more to access more renewables, solve issues around intermittence and lower costs.

This and other innovations are proving why your Arizona utility and Corporation Commission would rather raise rates on you, and saddle all of us with higher bills for 30 years than support clean energy plus batteries and energy efficiency

In short, Arizona utilities are raising your rates and polluting our skies with new methane gas plants because they don’t want to give up profit –you know, “public service.”

I tell you how in this video.

As I’ve been driving around the west, I’ve still been paying my electric bill back in Phoenix. The folks watching my house are doing a great job conserving energy, but we’ve all been shocked by just how insanely fast the power bill has increased over last year.

This terrible dynamic is even worse for people less privileged than myself. In some parts of the state, people are literally paying the utilities to install more methane gas power plants and, in turn to be provided dirtier air for them and their children to breath.

Once you understand how the key decisions from our utilities are making the air dirtier and saddling us with volatile methane gas prices for the next 30 years, you can’t unsee it.

Watch at your own risk.

Written by phxAdmin