You probably know about our up-coming second annual open air holiday market, the Phoestivus market. You know about it, especially if you are a vendor or own a food truck.
Well, this year, it wil be expanded to 2 nights: December 14th and December 21st.
Here is the information for vendors from our planning committee vendor point person, Monika Woolsey.
WHO: Local creators of arts, crafts, and foods!
WHAT: Second Annual Phoestivus (New this year! Pheats of Strength, Airing of Grievances, and a Phoestivus Pole!)
WHERE: Downtown Phoenix Public Market
WHEN: December 14 and 21, 4 to 8 pm
WHY: Because we’re all just super cool and want to celebrate that. 🙂
HOW: Please visit this link to apply to be a vendor. If you are not a regular vendor, the annual fee does not apply.http://foodconnect.org/phxmarket/?page_id=7212 Please note, if you are on this email list you’re getting first dibs at available spaces. Please, if this event is important to you, submit your application ASAP. I’m sending a general call for vendors this coming weekend.
We’re encouraging all vendors to be phoestive with their booths as well as having wares to sell. Decorations of all kinds are encouraged!
A special note: The Clarendon Hotel will be offering a special Phoestivus room rate for all of December. We hope for those vendors coming in from a distance, this might be a nice evening for you to stay in town and kick back, instead of hurrying home. More details later!
You will eventually be connecting with myself and Troy Benjamin as the vendor coordinators but until we receive word from the Downtown Market that you’re on the official list, we are officially out of the loop. So be sure to get your application in!
Monika Woolsey
Phoestivus Committee