November Listing Update
For our November listing update, we have nothing!
Okay, that’s a fib.
We never have nothing. We are working with a couple sellers who will have their properties ready for sale in the next couple months.

We also sold that efficiency condo at the Embassy Condominiums, the one with the great views. We also helped our other clients sell their townhome and find the right new home, which they will begin major work on soon. They will be expanding it to make their dream home.
But, between nervousness over the election and the extreme shortage of listings, we are taking a little breath in the November update.

I want to take this pause to re-assure you that the market stable, if priced high. This is not the market of 2006, when people were getting zero-down liar loans. Certainly we don’t know what is coming around the corner, but with all the election drang and sturm, it can feel like nothing will ever be normal again.
But the thing to remember about the real estate market is that it changes course more like an aircraft carrier, than like a schooner. If you are out looking for a home, every indication we have is that prices will continue to climb. This is due to the fact that so many homes have been taken out of circulation by companies and individuals buying them up as rental and as AirBnB, plus the lack of new in-fill developments where people want to live.
That dynamic is not going to change any time soon. The number of interested buyers would have to drop by over 50% in order to see any change in prices. And, if the pandemic didn’t do that, there is not much else that would.
If you are thinking of buying a property, you can feel comfortable moving forward. If you need to sell, don’t be afraid. You will definitely do well.
If you are thinking of renovating and selling your property, call us at 602-456-9388. We can help you plan to stand out in this market.