July Thought Nuggets

Solar on your home, the co-op way. We need more solar + batteries on homes to stabilize the grid. But there are some solar installers that give the whole industry a bad name. I think every one of us has had some random company knock on our doors to sell us solar. Unless you are an electrician or engineer, it seems impossible to know if you can trust what they are selling. Well, there is an answer. Learn how to be a confident consumer with this event from Solar United Neighbors (SUN) on July 30. SUN not only educates you about what makes a good system and good investment, but they also pool the installation orders for many home owners at the same time in order to buy down the cost of your system. Sign up for their Solar 101 presentation to learn more.

Free resources to save money and go electric. One of the most frustrating things about this election is just how little the media has educated the public about the many ways Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (aka Clean Energy Plan) will help regular folks save money while combating pollution and climate change. But if you want to know exactly how you can save money, check out the Rewiring America website that can help both home owners and renters.

The Winner in the Terrible Idea Category Is. The MAGA-dominated Arizona Corporation Commission last month created a loophole that effectively shuts down any oversight of utility dirty methane power plants –one of the biggest contributors to air pollution in AZ. In short, and contrary to all climate science, APS, TEP and SRP are pushing to install over 4,000 gigawatts more dirty methane gas over the next five years. If that is not bad enough, this decision guts the Certificate of Environmental Compatibility process (read “pollution controls”). You can get a summary of the situation here and here.We need new leadership at the corporation commission this year. Learn about candidates Ylenia Aguilar, Jonathan Hill and Joshua Polacheck, all of whom understand that the little-understood Corporation Commission really is our climate commission.

In case you thought all Ken can talk about is clean energy. Here’s a nice summary of everything you need to know about the July 30th primary elections in the “great state” of Maricopa County, Arizona. The county’s “Be Ballot Ready” system is really helpful. And if you want clear answers to that crazy election denial uncle at your next family get together, see this page.

Strict Scrutiny. The very corrupt US Supreme Court, SCOTUS, has delivered more ill-considered and possibly nation-dismantling decisions in the last few weeks than 99% of people can keep track of. And that’s fair. It can be challenging to understand these arcane legal theories and the arguments. Its even more frustrating that “low information voters” seem to be in control of our future. I’ve found the Strict Scrutiny Podcast to be a breath of fresh air. The three female legal specialists who host the show are witty, comprehensive and they don’t talk down to the listener. You can see it on YouTube, as well. In particular, listen so the episode on the Snyder case, in which SCOTUS effectively made bribing of public officials a-okay under the law.

Written by phxAdmin