Go Green Like Your Grocer
Energize Phoenix (not to be confused with the ever creative Ignite Phoenix) and Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton will unveil “Go Green Like Your Grocer“, a community energy efficiency showcase at AJ’s Fine Foods on Central Avenue and Camelback Road from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. this Saturday, June 30.
Why should you attend the Go Green Like Your Grocer event?
Other than hearing the Mayor’s announcement that rebates are doubled, up to $3,000, for the rest of the program?
“We are thrilled to showcase AJ’s commitment to energy efficiency and officially name them an Energize Phoenix Energy Saving Superhero,” said Mayor Stanton. “Our goal is to encourage residents within the Energize Phoenix Corridor to complete a free home energy check-up so they can save money by saving energy and contribute to a sustainable community.”
What is Energize Phoenix?
“The city of Phoenix was awarded a $25 million federal grant from the U.S. Department of Energy Better Buildings Program and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to launch, in partnership with Arizona State University and Arizona Public Service, “Energize Phoenix,” a project that will save energy, create jobs and transform a diverse array of neighborhoods along a 10-mile stretch of the light rail line.” ~ energizephoenix.com
In addition to being a visible support of our great Phoenix community, applauding the energy saving efforts of Mayor Stanton, Energize Phoenix, and fine examples like AJ’s, you’ll be energizing your own awareness of the cool savings to be had this monsoon season and through the year.
“Did I mention APS will be on-site giving away a free CFL bulb to attendees, as long as supplies last? Or that in a lot of cases double rebates will pay for 100% percent of energy efficiency project costs?” ~ Ken Clark
(If you can quote yourself, you know you’re onto something good, right?
Energize Phoenix offers cash incentives and financing to help pay for energy saving projects for homes and businesses located within the Energize Phoenix Corridor, a 10-mile stretch (PDF) along the light rail line.
Get the full skinny in the Energize Phoenix Press Release.
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