Landscaping as Security

Our friends Jessica and Ryan Jerrell over at Dig It Gardens quickly became established and valued assets to Phoenix in the few short years that they’ve been open, especially for those of us who want good advice from a locally-owned nursery.
So, we were thinking not too long ago that we should collaborate on a topic that most home owners would find useful: landscaping as security.
Specifically, what can you do to improve your home security while maintaining a sense of style and beauty in your landscaping?
When: 10/19/17
Time: 530-630PM
Who: Get Your Phx & Urban Cactus
Where: Dig It Gardens
Overview: This class will review what plants to incorporate into your home landscape to ensure safety for your home. Bryan Harris of Urban Cactus Landscape Designer – will review what plants are best and options on install/ how to care for them. Bryan will be able to show the class examples at Dig It of the best solutions along through his work. Thirst of knowledge is encouraged as Q&A guides the class.
Landscape Designer, Bryan Harris, who specializes in drought-tolerant desert lanscaping, will be leading the discussion. And, of course, many of the plants under discussion will be available for purchase.
Bryan Harris has a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture from Arizona State University. His speciality is landscaping that will liven up curb appeal, but still honor vegetation that thrives in the Sonoran Desert.
Bryan boasts a solid team with other positive members of the community striving to create unique modern outdoor rooms that not only function in our arid environment, but are aesthetically inviting for all walks of life to enjoy.
Rather than an entry fee, we are asking for a nominal donation of $10, which will be donated to Art Awakenings, an organization that promotes empowerment and recovery through the power of creative expression with adults and youth who face behavioral health challenges. .
We hope to also have on hand a Community Action Officer from the City of Phoenix Police Department, who can give you even more insight in to home security dos and don’ts.