The weather is perfect in Phoenix in March. This is when we all make outdoors a priority. So, here are some things to consider for your month.
I’m also throwing in a curated list of articles that I think you will find particularly interesting –well, at least I did. I always appreciate your suggestions!

1) A Month of Stuff. The fine folks at Old Republic Title help me put together a list every month of things all over the valley. So, click on this image and scan around for all the things. This is valley-wide, so I have some more Central Phoenix-specific things for you, as well.
2) How to Register to Voter, for Spanish-only Speakers. If you know of a Spanish speaker with limited English skills, please share this video with them. It is too late to register for the Presidential Preference Primary (don’t get me started on that), but this is a big election year and every citizen should feel comfortable with the process.
3) Dig in at Dig It Gardens. Our friends at Dig It Gardens are hosting an event with Local First Arizona on March 18th to talk about how collaboration with other local businesses can help your business grow.

“Collaborating with your fellow local businesses can give you that extra boost to take your business to the next level. Learn how Dig It Gardens is making that happen! Join us and other Local First Arizona business members at our monthly event to build relationships. Open to all active members and businesses interested in joining Local First Arizona.”
4) 2020 Edible Backyard Summit. The guys at Urban Farm U are hosting their annual summit, with 5 days of expert-led presentations revealing the BEST strategies for growing food at home. Free online event March 23-27.

Get a comprehensive understanding of exactly what you need to do to start your garden (or maintain a garden you already have). Feel confident that you have the tools you need to grow successfully and become more self-reliant. Share the bounty with your friends, family, and neighbors… and WOW them with just how delicious homegrown food can be.
5) Name Change, Same Great Experience. The Open Air Market has changed its name to Downtown Phoenix Farmers Market. They are celebrating 15 years of service to the community.

Personally, you could call it Winnie the Pooh’s Broken Unicycle Emporium, and I’d still go there all the time for the amazing food and wonderful community connections. For sure, it would be confusing when you get there and don’t find any broken unicycles, but you get my point.
6) A Simple Equation to Make Phoenix Sustainable. This article is an amazing account of how South Korea went from having trash in their streets to composting and recycling a majority of all of their waste. (For comparison, the world average of waste recycling is about 8% and the US average is less than 20%. Composting is even less.)

This is huge, folks. Compostable materials in a landfill create methane gas, which contributes 50 times more to global warming than does CO2. When composted, the methane from food waste stays in the ground as part of the circle of life.
But the most amazing thing is how a simple pricing structure for how residents pay for trash pick-up made a huge difference in how much the country recycles.