If I have to hear another person predict a massive “shadow inventory” I’m going to turn green, and you wouldn’t like me when I turn green.

Well, not really green, more like red with some veins popping out on my forehead and my head spinning around.

So what am I talking about? Well, I’m a news junkie and when I hear every pundit on TV prattle on about  a shadow inventory, like its the forthcoming of the “four horsemen of the house-pocolypse,”  Where is the data to back it up? If they were looking at the same data as I am, then they wouldn’t be saying this nonsense.

I mean, come on, just do some quick research and see for yourself. The Cromford Index is the best guide out there and comes directly from the MLS as well as the county court and recorder’s documents. I would say those are just a teensy bit credible, I mean after all, they take the information directly from sales, right?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

So what exactly is a shadow inventory? At its core, shadow inventory refers to properties, which are on their way to foreclosure or are already foreclosed that have not yet been sold or put on the market (for whatever reason, we don’t know).

Well, here is why there will be no shadow inventory in the Phoenix area:

1)      A house will not be part of any inventory of foreclosed homes until it has been given a foreclosure notice (see “Pending Foreclosures” on the graphs below). Even if it is a short sale, it probably has a foreclosure notice pending, so it is likely part of the big purple area below. A foreclosure notice is when the bank sends you a note to say, “Dearest customer. We noticed you stopped paying your mortgage. While we love you very much, we will throw your sorry butt out on the street by such and such date unless you pay up. Signed, Your Favorite Bank.”

(Click on graphs to enlarge)

That’s it. That is all there is. You could try to argue that more homes are going to go in to foreclosure because the economy is going to go in to a double-dip recession, but it is waaaay too early to predict that. Further, the foreclosures are going down because the market is clearing of those properties that were purchased at the peak of the market. There are just fewer of them now.

So, please. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell your neighbors and strangers whom you don’t even know.

Let’s put this shadow inventory myth to bed for good…

If you are buying a house, this means the inventory is dropping and prices are going to go up. So, don’t delay. If you are looking to sell a house, times are getting better for you. Either way, call me at 602-456-9388.

Written by phxAdmin