Setting aside dire circumstances where you can’t purchase a property, if you have a credit score in the 600s, you can probably purchase a home in today’s market. If you are close to that, there are things you can do to get in the right position.

But, I like to point out now and again the benefits of buying a property over renting. This might be because I waited far too long to purchase a property for myself. I look in awe of clients of mine who are buying in their early 20s. I don’t think they even know what a good thing they are doing for their futures, if they stay conservative about their finances and keep those houses for the long term.

Anyway, I love the calculator at the Money-zine website that helps you calculate what you save by buying a home –not even taking in to account the historically low prices.

Have a look and let me know if you have any questions about this calculator.

Written by phxAdmin